Your Visit

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what to expect in your first visit


YOUR history, physical exam & goals

We’ll assess your whole-person health based on your symptoms and what you’d like to address. This includes a full health history and focused physical exam in the first visit. This is an opportunity to listen to what the body is telling us. We’ll get clear on your personal health goals and create a treatment plan to achieve them.

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Your first step of treatment begins right away in the first visit. Together we’ll determine your treatment plan - this can range from weekly acupuncture visits (fertility, menstrual health, acute conditions) to monthly or seasonal check-ins. The goal in structuring your visits is to help you move through any areas where you are stuck to achieve a breakthrough in your health. Your sessions will be based on your goals and will draw from naturopathic modalities (our tools!)

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Food is medicine. We use a customized approach that works for your body and your lifestyle. Did you know you can use foods for hormone balancing, anxiety management, blood sugar regulation and optimizing immune function? Nutrition also plays a major role in promoting fertility and healthy fetal development.

We ensure you are getting enough macronutrients like protein, fats, and carbs and micronutrients (like calcium, magnesium, B12, iodine, iron, and the list goes on…).

Take the plunge with seasonal detoxification programs or ease into small but transformative changes. Develop a way of eating that supports your current lifestyle and allows you to tap into your natural energy.

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HERBAl medicine



Know more to get to the root cause of your symptoms and determine the best course of individualized treatment.

Functional tests available to you:

DUTCH Complete Dried Urine Testing | $470

A specialized test providing a comprehensive picture of your hormonal health (includes estrogen, progesterone, androgens as well as adrenal health (androgens, cortisol) and the body’s ability to metabolize and detoxify these hormones. Useful for targeting treatment strategies.

Food Sensitivity Testing | $269

A test requiring a blood draw to determine your body’s IgG antibody reaction to specific foods. Helpful for digestive complaints, headaches, fatigue, and skin conditions (eczema, rosacea, acne).

Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis with Parasitology

(3 tests) | $555

A functional stool test to investigate the presence of bacteria, yeast and parasites and determine course of treatment.

SIBO Breath Test | Price Upon Request

A breath test to determine the presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Other helpful tests available to you:

lifelabs | CUSTOM pricing based on tests

Lifelabs standard testing can also be ordered and each test is priced individually (this is where we can test for thyroid, iron, cholesterol, fertility markers, liver function, etc.). These are tests you can get with your medical doctor as well (covered by OHIP when ordered by your MD).

bring your labs

If you have previous lab or imaging results from your doctor, please bring them in as this can be helpful for determining your clinical picture. Alternatively, you may be asked to fill out a “release of records” form that would allow your doctor’s reception to fax your labs to us.